
A playground for learning about A-frame

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Creating an elevation map from Copernicus data


All of this is based on:


I’m going to create a 3D elevation map, using Copernicus elevation data (EU-DEM). For that, I download two tiles, North and South of Madrid ( and I unzip them, which produces four files per tile (with extensions TFw, TIF). All of them are in directory $demdata.

To work with these maps, and produce maps with the information I need, I install gdal. In Debian, that’s easy because it is a regular package:

sudo apt install gdal-bin

Now, I build a gdal virtual dataset with both tiles, and produce a file in ENVI format (map.bin) with the elevation data. I do that in the tmp directory, whcih I will use as a temporary storage for the intermediary maps and datasets I need:

mkdir tmp
cd tmp
gdalbuildvrt map.vrt $demdata/eu_dem_v11_E30N10.TIF $demdata/eu_dem_v11_E30N20.TIF
gdalinfo -mm map.vrt
gdalwarp -te 3000000 2000000 3100000 2100000 map.vrt map.tif
gdalinfo -mm map.tif
gdal_translate -scale 0 2522 0 255 -outsize 200 200 -of PNG map.tif ../map.png
gdal_translate -scale 0 2522 0 65535 -ot UInt16 -outsize 200 200 -of ENVI map.tif ../map.bin

Let’s explain the process in some more detail:

Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  ( 3000000.000, 3000000.000) (  8d 7'39.52"W, 48d38'23.47"N)
Lower Left  ( 3000000.000, 1000000.000) (  3d40'26.43"W, 30d56'55.67"N)
Upper Right ( 4000000.000, 3000000.000) (  5d31' 4.07"E, 50d 1'26.83"N)
Lower Right ( 4000000.000, 1000000.000) (  6d39'15.95"E, 31d56'35.96"N)
Center      ( 3500000.000, 2000000.000) (  0d18'45.65"E, 40d37'27.81"N)
Band 1 Block=128x128 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Gray
Min=-33.271 Max=3451.047   Computed Min/Max=-33.271,3451.047
Upper Left  ( 3000000.000, 2100000.000) (  5d41'57.17"W, 40d45'34.34"N)
Lower Left  ( 3000000.000, 2000000.000) (  5d28'46.07"W, 39d52'33.70"N)
Upper Right ( 3100000.000, 2100000.000) (  4d32' 7.72"W, 40d56'21.51"N)
Lower Right ( 3100000.000, 2000000.000) (  4d19'51.35"W, 40d 3'10.47"N)
Center      ( 3050000.000, 2050000.000) (  5d 0'39.47"W, 40d24'31.80"N)
Band 1 Block=4000x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Gray
    Computed Min/Max=249.094,2521.040

Now, this file can already be included in the aframe-terrain-model as follows (see documentation for A-Frame Terrain Model component for details):

<a-entity terrain-model="dem: url(map.bin);
    planeWidth: 200;
    planeHeight: 200;
    segmentsWidth: 199;
    segmentsHeight: 199;
    zPosition: 20;
    wireframe: true"

I can see the result by inserting this entity in an A-Frame scene, as I do in wireframe.html. Check the actual scene in your browser

To have colored texture and hillshades, so that we can have something better than plain wireframe, we follow instructions in Creating color relief and slope shading with gdaldem:

gdaldem color-relief map.tif ../color-relief.txt color_relief.tif
gdaldem hillshade -combined map.tif hillshade.tif
sudo apt install mapnik-utils python3-mapnik

This produces a nice terrain.png file, which can be used a texture for the map. I load it in a copy of the previous scene (file terrain.html) by adding a new property to terrain-model: map: url(terrain.png);.Check the scene in your browser. Be patient: maybe the color map will take some seconds to load.

Finally, I remove the wireframe, include maps as assets, add mobility for when in VR, and some other minor details. Check the final scene in your browser.